War games
Many parents fear that guns and other toy guns will incite violence and instill wrong values in their children. However, war games are a learning resource for children, just like all they play. Also Watching: Words with J
War games include games where children use objects of power (e.g., weapons, swords, wands, real or imaginary weapons) or action figures of superheroes, pirates, soldiers, or other warriors. The child often uses these objects to play, for example, cop, superhero, cowboy, or magician. War games are very symbolic games. The kid can play unaided or with others.
Interest in martial arts arises at the age of almost three years. This type of play is most familiar with children with older sisters and those who watch shows where the characters use guns. War games, however, do not include video games.
What do war games offer children?
Martial arts practiced among children can cause injury by nature if not supervised and supervised. However, the purpose of these games is not to disturb each other.
Games with toys or imaginary weapons are pervasive and do not increase aggression unless the child has behavioral problems. Like other symbolic games, war games stimulate children’s imaginations and help children control their emotions and feelings.
These games also make it possible to experiment with energy during play. For example, when attacked by imaginary monsters that frighten him, the child learns to manage his anxiety. Children often play together to counter a fictional “enemy in groups.” Thus, they develop the ability to cooperate.
On the other hand, children with a strong tendency to be aggressive often play war games, which prevents them from playing other symbolic games. They are less likely to develop different skills.
When parents are not comfortable with martial arts
When your child threatens the puppy with a toy gun, does it bother you? Remember that it is a symbolic game, just as fun as a doctor, father, or animal. Even if your child looks naughty, he pretends.
If guns and knives are against your values, you can refuse to buy them. But wait for your child to do something with Lego or cardboard or pretend to have a gun. In general, the prohibition of martial arts stimulates children’s interest in them.
How are war games framed?
Father playing pirate with his daughter
Enjoy martial arts as long as there is no risk of injury to children.
Make sure the weapons used are safe. Children should stay away from complex, sharp objects that may disturb them.
Prohibit real shots. The game should remain a game. For example, in fencing games, encourage the children to strike the sword, not the other child.
Provide versatile materials that your child can use to their liking. For example, a signup of piece towels can be pirate binoculars and swords.
Feel free to play the “bad guy” role. Unlike a toddler, you won’t confuse play with natural aggression. In fact, if a child misunderstands the game, he may react with violent gestures.
If your child is aggressive towards other children, be his playmate when he wants to play war games to teach him what is acceptable and what is not. Supervise him more if he is playing with other children.
When is it intervened?
Watch your child and his friends play war games. If they seem like they’re having fun, let them keep going. However, note the following conditions:
When one of the children is not having fun, separate them;
If children are in a dangerous area (for example, next to stairs), show them a safe place to play;
If the situation seems to be getting worse, ask them to take a break;
If they use hard or sharp objects, stop them.