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Do I Need A DOT Number?

What is the USDOT Number?

Businesses that operate commercial vehicles for transporting passengers or carrying cargo for interstate commerce must register with FMCSA and also possess a USDOT number. Commercial transportation companies that haul the types and volumes that require an authorization for safety must sign up to obtain the USDOT Number.

The USDOT Number is an identification number for gathering and monitoring a company’s safety data gathered during audits or compliance reviews, crashes investigations and inspections.

How do I get a USDOT number?

Step by Step Guide to Getting Your USDOT Number
  1. Determine If You Need a USDOT Number. …
  2. Make Sure You Have the Necessary Information. …
  3. Download Proper USDOT Application Form or File Online. …
  4. Fill Out Form and Send It In or File Your Online USDOT Registration.
    How much does a USDOT number cost?
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    Until URS is fully implemented, there is no charge for a USDOT number. However, if you also want to apply for operating authority (MC/FF/docket numbers), the cost is $300 per authority. For more information about operating authority and dot and mc number, please see “What is Operating Authority (MC number) and who needs it?”

    If you’d like to know whether your vehicle or truck require an U.S. DOT number, you must answer the following questions:

    1. Do you have a vehicle that weighs 10,001 pounds in gross car weight ( GCWR) or more? Be aware that if your vehicle weighs more than 26,000 pounds, drivers also require the commercial driver’s licence ( CDL).
    2. Does the truck have been built or is it used for transporting eight or more people (including the driver) to be compensated?
    3. Are the trucks intended or is it used to transport 15 people (including the driver) but not to be compensated?
    4. Are you transporting dangerous materials?

You will need to get an USDOT identification number when you own the following vehicle:

  • This is used to transport kinds and quantities of dangerous substances that require a safety certificate for interstate commercial transactions .


  • A gross weight ratings for vehicles, or the gross combined weight ratings and a total gross vehicle weight, or gross combination weight of 4,536 kilograms (10,001 pounds) or more, whichever is higher or
  • It is designed in order to carry more than 8 people (including the driver) to be compensated; or
  • It is designed for transporting more than fifteen passengers, which includes the driver. It is not designed to transport people for compensation.

AND IS PARTICIPATING IN Interstate commerce:

Traffic, trade, or transport across the United States–

  • A place within an State and a location in a different State (including an area outside the United States);
  • Between two locations within one State by way of another State or an area that is not part of the United States; or
  • Between two locations within an State in the course of traffic, trade, or transport that originates or terminates outside of the State as well as within the United States.

The FMCSA requires you to FMCSA to get an USDOT Number and to comply to the Federal Regulations.

How to comply with Federal Regulations

It is the duty of drivers and operators of motor carriers to be aware of and abide by the pertinent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Compliance with safety standards and safe operation result in the protection of property and lives. We believe that the information contained included in this pack, if utilized correctly, will contribute to safer motor vehicle operations as well as highways.

To obtain registration for motor carriers operating within the state Check with the responsible state agency.

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