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lakewood short enphase

The installation of solar panels is the best option if you want to switch to self-consumption and produce your own electricity, achieving 100% clean and renewable energy. At Solarcos we take care of the study and design of your photovoltaic installation. We move through all the municipalities of the province.


How does solar installation work?

Solar panel installations are made up of photovoltaic cells that allow, thanks to the photovoltaic effect, the transformation of solar energy into electrical energy. The energy obtained is proportional to the number and solar panels of the installation. The greater the number of lakewood short enphase, the greater the amount of energy obtained. 

All the energy obtained is in the form of direct current, which is why a solar inverter is necessary to transform it into an alternating current, making it suitable for domestic use. The resulting energy will be used for self-consumption, while the remaining energy after self-consumption can be stored using batteries, and injected into the electrical network to achieve compensation or disposed of through an anti-spill system. Regardless of whether we store or dispose of excess energy, in neither case does it pose a danger to the user. 


Types of Solar Panel Installations

There are mainly 2 types of photovoltaic solar panel installations: 


Isolated solar panel installations

In this type of installation, the user is completely disconnected from the electrical network and uses only the energy obtained through the installation that is stored in batteries. 


Installations of solar panels connected to the network

At the same time that the consumer uses the solar installation to produce electricity, it is connected to the electrical network to be used while the panels are not working. Mainly 2 types stand out: 

  • With the discharge of surpluses to the electrical network. The most usual. 
  • No discharge of surpluses to the electrical network. We do not recommend it. 
  • Components of a solar installation

    The components that make up a solar panel installation are the following: 


    Solar panels 

    There are 3 different types of solar panels: thin film, polycrystalline and monocrystalline. The latter is the best performance and quality. In addition to the type of panel, we have to keep in mind the following aspects when choosing the one that best suits our needs: 

    • The temperature coefficient (those with lower coefficients have better performance). 
    • The peak power capable of obtaining. 
    • The efficiency of the photovoltaic panel. 


    Solar Inverters 

    Their function is to enable the energy obtained by solar panels for domestic use. There are 2 different types: 

    • Solar inverters in installations with grid connection. They let us use the energy obtained both for domestic use and to inject the surplus into the network. 
    • Solar inverters in isolated installations. The inverter adopts the transformation of energy to supply it to the batteries. 


    Solar Batteries 

    Solar batteries store surplus energy collected. Among the most frequent types are: 

    • lithium batteries. The most recommended for its lightness and better loading times. 
    • Monobloc batteries. Indicated for small isolated installations. 
    • Stationary batteries. Indicated for continuous installations and high electricity consumption. 
    • AGM batteries. They do not need maintenance and are recommended for small installations. 


    Structure and supports 

    They are made of anticorrosive materials. There are both fixed and mobile structures favoring the capture of solar energy. 


    Charge regulator 

    It is in charge of controlling the amount of energy destined to the batteries. 


    bidirectional counter 

    It is in charge of calculating the net balance at the end of the month between energy generated and that consumed from the network.  


    Installation Wiring 

    Including ground wire. 


    Solar Panel Installation Process

    The process of installing a solar panel is usually divided into 3 phases:


    Technical study of the photovoltaic installation

    First of all, we carry out a personalized technical analysis adapted to the particular needs of each case. With this, what is intended is to make the most of the roof where the solar panels have to be installed and that these adjust to the client’s consumption.


    Economic analysis and installation budget


    Solar panel installation design

     In this phase, our technicians and installers will be in charge of deciding which is the best distribution of the plates of all the possible options.


    Installation of solar panels

    Our team is in charge of carrying out the installation of the solar panels and all those connections necessary for its perfect operation.


    Where can a solar installation be carried out?

    Although photovoltaic solar installations in single-family homes or houses are currently the most common, it is expected that in the short term, solar energy installations in neighborhood communities will be increasingly used. 

    In order to carry out a solar installation, it is necessary to have a free surface, either on the ground or on the roof, between 20 and 30 square meters.  

    In addition, it is always necessary to take into account the location of the solar panels, the inclination and orientation of the installation, and the geographical location of the chosen place to make the best use of sunlight. 


    Installation of solar panels in the province of Cádiz

    At Solarcos we are a solar panel installer, we travel to any municipality in the province.

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