Moong is a pulse crop which is grown after the Kharif crop. Moong is mainly produced in Rajasthan because the climate of Rajasthan is most suitable for the cultivation of moong. Apart from this, the moong crop is grown in large quantities in states like Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, but in Rajasthan, it is produced in a vast area of 12 lakh hectares. Moong grains are specially used as pulses.
Accordingly, it is known as a more beneficial pulse for human consumption. It is cooked and used in food, but its beans can also be eaten raw. The colour of moong is green in sight, due to which this lentil can be easily identified. Nutrients are in sufficient quantity in moong dal, which is in high demand in the markets.
Soil, Climate & Temperature
Cultivation of moong can be done in any soil, but sandy loam soil is considered very suitable for its crop. Its cultivation should not be done on waterlogged land because water-logging increases the risk of the destruction of its plants. The P.H. of the land in its cultivation. The value should be between 6 and 7.5. Moong can be grown in both Kharif and Rabi seasons. It does not require any particular climate. Its crop requires average temperature. Its plants can tolerate a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. Moreover, the powertrac 439 tractor model is used efficiently for agricultural works.
Field Preparation
For a good crop of moong, friable soil is required. Therefore, before harvesting it, the field should be well prepared. First of all, the area should be well ploughed deeply. Then, after putting old cow dung manure in the field, it should be pushed two to three diagonally. After ploughing, the field should be planted with water. After this, leave the field like this for some time, when the soil of the area appears dry from above, then by applying a rotavator, do two to three slant ploughing. Due to this, the field becomes friable.
Talking about fertiliser in the field of moong, its plants do not require a small amount of manure. Because its plants supply nitrogen to the soil, it needs only the right amount of fertiliser in the beginning. According to the soil requirement of its field, give the fertiliser in it. As an initial fertiliser, mix 10 to 15 carts of old cow dung manure in its field and mix it well.
Method of Transplanting
Moong seeds are planted in the form of sources. Before planting the seeds in the field, they should be treated with Thiram and Carbendazim. The planting of its origins is done according to different seasons. It is grown in the Kharif season between June and July. It is produced in the middle of March and April in the same Zayed season. About 10 to 12 kg of moong seeds is required in one hectare of field. The sowing of moong seeds is done in rows.
Irrigation Method
Moong plants require 4 to 5 irrigations from seed planting to yield. Therefore, its first irrigation should be done 20 to 25 days after sowing the seeds. After this, the second irrigation is done in 10 days. Apart from this, do the rest of the irrigation as needed. In the season of Zayed, its plants should be watered when needed because during that time, it is the rainy season, so its plants require less water. Also, the Powertrac euro 50 tractor model can easily handle every type of farm operation.
Weed Control
More yield can be obtained by controlling weeds in moong plants. Both natural and chemical methods can be used for weed control in its plants. In the birth process, weed control is done by weeding. For weed control by the same chemical method, 3.30 litres of Pendimethalin must be sprinkled in 500 litres of water in the area before the last ploughing of the field.
Harvesting Method
Moong plants are ready to give yield after 60 to 70 days of seed sowing. After ripening, the pods in its plants start appearing black. During that time, its plants should be harvested. After harvesting the plants, they should be collected and dried well in the sun. After this, the dried beans are taken out with the help of a machine. Since the crop of moong is ready in less time, farmer brothers can grow its crop two to three times a year.
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