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Take a look at the most important achievements of Stephen Hawking

Take a look at the most important achievements of Stephen Hawking

Take a look at the most important achievements of Stephen Hawking the writing of best-selling science books. In addition to writing these books,

he has done significant work and research in the field of cosmology and theoretical physics, some of which are discussed below.

1. Together with Roger Penrose, he conducted important research on the concept of singularity

The concept of “gravitational singularity” refers to one-dimensional points that place an infinitely large mass in an infinitesimally small space.

In singularity, gravity reaches infinity, space-time reaches infinite curvature, and the physical laws we deal with no longer exist.

Stephen Hawking and the famous English physicist Roger Penrose did a great job in establishing this concept. They also theorized that the universe may have originally been a gravitational singularity.

2. Hawking was one of the people who discovered the four laws of black hole mechanics

Hawking, James Bardeen, and Brandon Carter discovered four laws of black hole mechanics. 

These laws can be considered equivalent to the laws of thermodynamics, except that the focus of these laws is on the event horizon of black holes. In January 1971,

Stephen Hawking’s essay, Black Holes, won him the prestigious Gravity Research Foundation Award.

3. Hawking’s most important theory is that black holes emit radiation.

years ago, physicists thought that nothing could escape black holes. In 1974, Hawking concluded that black holes emit radiation.

The radiation is likely to continue as long as the black holes are energized. Hawking’s theory, later known as Hawking radiation, caused a great deal of controversy.

However, after further research, it was considered one of the most important advances in theoretical physics

4. He played an important role in the theory of cosmic inflation

The theory of cosmic inflation, introduced by Alan Guth in 1980, argues that after the Big Bang, the universe began to expand very rapidly,

and after a while, this speed of Expansion is greatly reduced.

Hawking was one of the first to calculate the quantum fluctuations created during the cosmic inflation process and to show their possible relationship to the galaxies moving away from each other.

5. Stephen Hawking, along with James Hartel, provided an important model for describing the beginning of the world

In 1983, Hawking and James Hartle introduced an important model called the Hartle-Hawking state.

According to this model, there was no time before the Big Bang, and therefore the concept of the beginning of the world is a meaningless concept.

According to the Hartel-Hawking model, the universe has no beginning, because it has no basic boundaries in space and time. This model is still one of the most important models related to the initial state of the world.

6. Hawking is the author of the famous book History of Time

In 1988, A Brief History of Time was published. In this book, Hawking described complex concepts such as the big bangs, black holes, and optical cones in simple, narrative language.

The book was well received and translated into several languages. In addition to this book,

he wrote other scientific books, many of which were widely acclaimed. The writing of these books greatly influenced the rise of Stephen Hawking’s

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