With 436 million active users per month, Twitter has become an essential platform for developing its brand. Thanks to Twitter Ads, the social network’s advertising tool, companies can create sponsored, personalized and highly targeted content to promote their services or make themselves known. For this, it offers different advertising formats and targeting tools, making it an essential marketing lever. Making the most of Twitter for your web marketing strategy, however, requires adopting certain reflexes. You can get the services of Twitter Ads Agency in Germany.
Our tips for creating ads on Twitter
Twitter Ads can be effective levers for attracting new customers, improving visibility or boosting traffic. To achieve this, you have to take into account a few elements, such as publication hours or targeting. They will allow you to set up an effective advertising campaign and achieve an infallible social media marketing strategy .
Publish quality tweets at strategic times
Every day, Internet users see a large number of tweets scrolling through their newsfeed (also called timeline). In such a context, making your Twitter business account stand out can be complicated. To achieve this, it is essential to create impactful content that will catch the eye of your audience. This involves knowing their interests well and adapting your tweets in real time to trending topics that appeal to them, for example the victory of a football club. During the development of its Twitter Ads campaigns, it is therefore essential to be reactive in order to be in line with current trends and succeed in being engaging.
To get out of the game, it is also recommended to offer them exclusive content that they will only be able to discover on Twitter. It can be the making of an advertising campaign or the secrets of creating a product. The objective is to succeed in creating added value, and not to repost content that the Internet user has already seen on another social platform.
Creating successful Twitter ads also requires posting regularly. On the social network, thousands of tweets are written and published every day. According to Statista data, the lifespan of a tweet is only 18 minutes. For a company, it is therefore essential to remain active by tweeting daily and at strategic times in order to have good visibility. To determine the best time to publish its Twitter Ads, it is necessary to be interested in the habits of its target audience, in particular at what times it generally frequents the social platform.
Add profitable clickable elements
For any professional, the objective is therefore to create engaging Twitter ads that will allow him to make himself known to his target. However, the risk remains of creating engagement on content that has no added value for your company. This sometimes happens with the hashtag when misused.
When designing a sponsored tweet, you may think it’s a good idea to add specific hashtags related to your activity or the subject of your tweet. For example, a brand that sells rainwear may tend to add #rain #coat. Instead of clicking on the link redirecting to their website, the target is likely to click on these hashtags. The company then generates no revenue and is charged, because the tweet has generated some form of engagement (although it is not the intended one).
It therefore seems essential to insert profitable clickable elements that will allow the company to obtain the expected results, gain notoriety and increase its profits.
Choosing the right advertising format
Like Instagram Ads , Twitter ads have several formats that allow you to design powerful and unique campaigns.
Image Ads
Image Ads allow you to highlight a service or product and redirect your target to your website using a link. They are useful for attracting the attention of Internet users with a simple photo. They can be used to increase its notoriety or expand its clientele.
Text Ads
In concrete terms, Text Ads are tweets with no image or video. It contains all the elements of a classic tweet: retweets, likes, replies… They fit very naturally into a news feed. However, you have to be able to handle the words to succeed in reaching your audience.
Video Ads
Video Ads are tweets with embedded videos. They are useful for presenting a product or service, but also for showcasing your brand in a creative way. Used well, they are effective in improving your engagement rate and establishing first contact with new customers, or even improving your traffic by inserting a link in the tweet.
Regarding the duration, the video can last up to 2min20. Our attention being limited when browsing the web, it is recommended that it does not exceed 15 seconds.
Carousel Ads
Carousel Ads allow you to add up to six images or videos to a single tweet. They are used to present different products or offers from the same range. The advantage is that they engage Internet users longer than other formats. They scroll through content and immerse themselves in the brand’s universe. For this, we must not neglect the 280 characters made available, which contribute to the storytelling Bottom of Form