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Wind & weather forecast Fairy Meadows

The best time to visit Fairy Meadow

The ideal time to visit Fairy Meadow in Pakistan is from May until September and you’ll have a pleasant temperature and limited rainfall. The temperature that is the highest in Fairy Meadow is 26degC in July and the lowest 4degC in January.  fairy meadows weather

Fairy Meadow has the continental climate dominant. If you’re interested in knowing the average temperature at Fairy Meadow or when most precipitation (rain or snow) occurs, look up a brief summary below. This way, you’re fully prepared. Our monthly average climate data is based on data from the past 30 years.

Climate Fairy Meadow

has the continental climate dominant. In the summer , it’s warm and dry, and in winter, it’s damp and cold. The average annual temperature for Fairy Meadow is 16deg degrees and there are 437 mm of rain in a year. It is dry for 174 days of the year, with an average humidity of 50% and an UV-index of 3.vMaking an inventory of things that you will need to remember when planning your travels on an excursion to Fair Meadows or other Northern Territories is an important and crucial task prior to leaving home.
In this list, you will find an umbrella, raincoat, a hot jacket, a pair of strong shoes, a woolen hat, an assortment of gloves, extra socks, a few shirts and pants, a first aid kit, as well as the required medication you can find these days. It is crucial to have a medical kit to treat the disease.

It is also beneficial to bring a few items to use for personal use.Fairy Meadows can be reached by an excursion of 12 kilometers beginning from Raikhot bridge along the Karakoram Highway to the village Tato. Beyond Tato the trek takes three to four hours to hike through a five-kilometer hike until Fairy Meadows. The grassland is located inside the Raikhot valley, which is at the edge of Raikhot glacier, which is a part of the Nanga Parbat and feeds a stream which eventually flows into the River Indus. From 1992 onwards, residents have run camping areas in the region.

When you hear Fairy Meadows,

you might think it is located in Switzerland or in the Netherlands However, to your delight this isn’t the case! Although Fairy Meadows is an English name given by German Climbers that reside in Gilgit Baltistan. Fairy Meadows is a term that, in Urdu is ‘Pariyon Ki Jaragha it is named after the fact that it is a Fairy Land in reality. However, locally, it is also known as Joot. Because it is one of Nanga Parbat‘s base campsites, Ferry Meadows is situated in it’s high mountains.

It is situated inside the District Diamer of Gilgit Baltistan. Fairy Meadows height is 10,800 feet and it allows trekkers to reach the face of Nanga Parbat, Rakhi. Additionally, it has been declared a national park since 1995.Fairy Meadows Pakistan is one of the most mesmerising tourist spots. And it is a popular destination for tourists and tourists from all over the world. But  its dangerous mountains road makes it a thrilling location. There are many dangers roads that run through Pakistan bring travelers to stunning locations and the Fairy Meadows track is among them. Fairy Meadows‘ heart shaking journey begins from the Karakoram highway’s Rakhiot bridge, which leads travelers to Tato Village. The rocky and gravel mountain road is a risky road, and accessible to only locals. Locals are responsible in providing transportation to tourists.

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