Three successful methods for tracking student attendance in the classroom (QR, biometric, RFID)
The teacher has documented attendance after every class for the past years of schooling and college. The faculty makes use of pen and paper to mark the attendance of students by calling out their names or roll numbers in the classroom. This process is very time-consuming as it requires a lot of time to call the names of around 60 to 70 students in the classroom.
Further, it turned out to be a big effort for the teachers every day in terms of marking the attendance status of all students, maintaining the sheets for every day, and keeping track of the attendance record of all the students over the months.
An introduction of a student management system has brought a revolution in attendance management in the institutes.
Here are a few effective ways that will help the institutes to track student attendance.
Biometric Attendance System-
A biometric attendance system is an advanced software for monitoring attendance in real-time. It enables the faculty members and teachers to keep track of student attendance records accurately.
Accounting, payroll, and human resources software can all be integrated with the program. It is highly secure, economical, and efficient for use.
Features of Biometric Attendance System
Integration with other ERPs- The biometric attendance system can be integrated with other ERPs for better management solutions
24*7 Accessibility– The software is accessible and working all the time, even on days off
Generates MIS Attendance Reports– The system generates attendance reports easily in required formats
Real-time Attendance Alerts– The attendance record of the student is marked and stored instantly in the database
Easy Navigation– The software is easy to use and intuitive to all the faculty members and students
Benefits of Biometric Attendance System –
- Highly accurate monitoring and analysis
- Elimination of manpower required for marking attendance
QR Based Attendance-
The teacher generates unique QR codes and students scan them on their mobile phones to mark attendance.
The software will contain location-based restrictions so that the students cannot scan the QR codes from a place outside the school. This reduces the chances of misuse of the QR code attendance facility.
In this method, the students are responsible for marking their attendance and proving their presence in the classroom.
Features of QR Based Attendance System-
Easy-to-Implement & Use
The QR code-based system is easy-to-implement & used by the teachers for generating QR codes and accessing monthly reports
Easy Report Generation-
The faculty generates reports on a regular basis to check for absent pupils and notify their parents with a few clicks.
Benefits of QR Based Attendance System-
- Eliminates the need for an extra hardware device
- Eases teacher’s workload for attendance
RFID Based Attendance System-
It is an advanced system that consists of an RFID tag, RFID reader, and LCD, along with a microcontroller that enables wireless communication to understand the identity of students.
Students can swipe their ID cards through the reader to have their attendance recorded right away. This eliminates the teacher’s role in marking attendance.
The admin can extract the data stored and get a summary report of attendance.
Features of RFID Based Attendance System-
SMS/Email Notifications– The system sends messages and notifications in case of chronic absenteeism to the system.
Elimination of Paperwork– The attendance is recorded on the system and data is stored on the ERP solution eliminating paperwork.
AI-Powered Dashboard– The attendance management system integrated with it, is equipped with AI technology.
Benefits of RFID Based Attendance System-
- It can generate reports in word, doc, and PDF formats
- Eliminates the time required for marking attendance in classrooms
A good attendance management system can help the students to keep track of their absent days and improve their presence in the institute for classes. Further, it helps the parents to keep track of their student’s activities in the institute.
The system automates all the processes of student tracking along with their performance and daily activities. It helps the institute to understand the problems faced by students and take measures to overcome them.