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Here are 5 ways to boost your network’s speed

A frustrating issue is a sluggish internet connection. Sometimes, a Wi-Fi connection might be shaky. There are always methods to make things run smoother on our Android device, allowing for a more enjoyable browsing experience.

How to make our Android device’s Wi-Fi connection quicker?

These are some easy to follow guidelines that can be useful in any situation. As a result, we may use the Internet or watch a video without worrying about how fast the Wi-Fi is. Speed up your Android phone and other devices connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Change Your Domain Name System(DNS)

Changing our Android device’s DNS is a really efficient method. We need to input the Wi-Fi or wireless connections into the phone’s settings (the name depends on each brand). Here we will discover a directory of all the nearby Wi-Fi hotspots.

When we’re connected to a network we care about—whether it’s our home network or our business network—we may alter its settings by clicking on it and selecting the option to do so. In this scenario, we need to click on this option, which will bring up a menu of options known as IP Settings.

Then, we go through the on-screen prompts until we reach the static IP choice. There will be two new tabs on the screen, labeled DNS 1 and DNS 2, when we accomplish this. Replace the value in that box to, and we’re all set. After that, we store it and enjoy a more stable Wi-Fi connection while using our Android phones for navigation.

Improve Consistency

Stabilizing the Wi-Fi signal is a necessary step toward a better connection. What this does is to stabilize the speed range, making it less prone to extreme fluctuations up and down. We plan to utilize the available frequency bands. We need to locate a less congested passageway that will permit faster travel. Take a look at https://firstworldneeds.com/ to know more about improving Wi-Fi consistency. 

With the help of an app called Wi-Fi Analyzer, we can see the available frequency channels and pick the optimum one for optimal Android navigation. It’s a downloadable app for our mobile devices.

Prevent Impasses

If your home has two stories and the router is located on the first level, and you are located on the second, you may experience this problem. Android’s Wi-Fi can be disrupted by physical obstacles. We’re talking about barriers, like cement, brick, or plaster, that will inevitably change the quality of the link. They reduce the strength of, or completely eliminate, the signal reaching our gadget.

As a result, it’s important to establish as few obstacles as possible when communicating. Still, it gets tricky when you’re talking about a two-story home. However, if there are no obstructions or only a few that are unimportant, the router-phone connection will improve. An easy approach to strengthen your bond.

Connected Devices

Wi-Fi security is a top priority for us. The cause of a sluggish Internet connection may not always lie in the realm of technology. It’s possible that there are further gadgets linked to it that we’re not aware of. How to tell if a person is linked in. Google Play has few apps that can do that. Kaspersky Smart Home is a top-tier option. It allows us to monitor the clients on our Wi-Fi network.

In this way, we can determine whether an excessive number of users is saturating our network. Changing the router’s password is one precaution we may take in case this occurs. An excellent resource available at no cost on Android.

Router Upgrades

Perhaps the Android phone is not the source of the Wi-Fi and Internet issue, but rather the router. The router’s antiquated technology is a major issue. The Wi-Fi 802.11 protocol, which is now in use, will likely be replaced in the near future. Therefore, we need to ensure this connection is supported by our router. This is unlikely, although it is possible if the router is a bit on the dated side.

Typically, a sticker will be affixed to the router itself. Its Wi-Fi 802.11 compatibility will be shown there. Something that can tell us how old it is and whether or not it is the root of the problem. If that’s the case, upgrading to a newer router should fix the network connection issue. That Android may optimally utilize Wi-Fi connections.

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