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How to do Shanmukhi Mudra and its benefits

Today’s article is about Shanmukhi Mudra. In this article, you will be able to know what is the method and benefits of doing this Mudra? What should be your breathing while doing Shanmukhi Mudra? So let’s start –

Shanmukhi Mudra –

Shanmukhi Mudra is also known as Baddhayoni Asana. This mudra is also known as Devi Mudra, Paradmukhi Mudra, and Sambhava Mudra. The word Shanmukhi is made up of two words. The first is ‘Shan’ which means ‘seven’ and the second is Mukhi which means door or ‘mouth’. In Shanmukhi Mudra, by closing the seven gates of external sense-perception, two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, and a mouth, the reflexes are made introverted.

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Method of doing Shanmukhi Mudra –

  • First, sit comfortably in any posture of meditation such as Sukhasana, Padmasana, or Vajrasana.
  • It is more beneficial than doing it in Siddhasana or Siddhayoni posture.
  • Now place a small pillow under the Muladhara area so that the pressure on the Muladhara area remains.
  • Keep your head and spine straight. And then keep both hands on the knees.
  • And after then close your eyes and take deep breaths and relax your whole body.
  • Now lift the hands and close the ears with the thumb, the eyes with the index finger, the nostrils with the middle finger, and the top and bottom of the mouth and lips with the ring finger and the little finger.
  • Now open the nostrils by removing the pressure of the middle fingers.
  • Breathing deeply through the nostrils, slowly breathe deeply.
  • After inhaling, close the nostrils again with the middle fingers.
  • Hold the breath inside for as long as comfortably possible.
  • Now if any sound appears in the region of Bindu Agnya or Anahata Chakras, try to listen to it.
  • Now when you feel you have to exhale. So by removing the pressure of the middle fingers, slowly release the breath.
  • In this way, one cycle of Shanmukhi Mudra is completed.
  • To repeat the exercise, inhale in this position. And repeat the whole process.
  • Now to end the exercise, keep the eyes closed, and bring the hands on the knees.
  • Becoming aware of the external sounds and the physical body, slowly turn the mind outward.

Breathing During Shanmukhi Mudra –

In this exercise, the breath is held inside. This practice becomes easier if one gets proficiency in Nadi Shodhana Pranayama before doing Shanmukhi Mudra.

Duration of doing Shanmukhi Mudra –

Practice Shanmukhi Mudra for 5 to 10 minutes in the beginning. As you become proficient in practice. Extend it to 30 minutes. In Shanmukhi Mudra, hold your breath for as long as you can while increasing the length of time gradually.

Awareness in Shanmukhi Mudra –

While doing this mudra, your awareness should be towards subtle sounds. Your concentration point should be at Agya Chakra or Anahata Chakra.

Shanmukhi Mudra Practice Timings –

This Mudra should be practiced early in the morning or late at night. This is the best time to practice this Mudra. Because at this time the noise is minimal. By practicing it at such times, the sensual sensation is awakened.

Limitations of Shanmukhi Mudra –

Persons suffering from psychotic depression should not practice this mudra.

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Benefits of Shanmukhi Mudra –

  • This mudra stimulates and relaxes the muscles and nerves of the mouth.
  • The practice of this Mudra is helpful in treating eye, nose, and throat infections.
  • It also cures vertigo diseases.
  • This Mudra balances external and internal awareness.
  • Its practice helps in attaining the state of pratyahara.

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