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Know how a kidney specialist doctor treats kidney cysts.

Know how a kidney specialist doctor treats kidney cysts.

Before landing on the area of how a kidney specialist doctor treats kidney cysts, we need to know what these kidney cysts are. We need to know their type, function, and conditions. We need to know whether they are harmful, and their causes, signs, and symptoms. Most importantly how they are diagnosed, etc.

We do not like to keep you waiting for a long time; let’s dive into our topic today! Kidney Cysts. What is a kidney cyst or cyst in a kidney? The kidneys are a couple of bean-formed organs on one or the other side of your spine, underneath your ribs, and behind your paunch. Every kidney is around 4 or 5 inches long, generally the size of an enormous clenched hand. The kidneys’ responsibility is to channel your blood.

Inside the kidneys are little working parts called nephrons. Every nephron is comprised of a channel and a cylinder. As blood courses through the kidneys to be separated, the nephrons eliminate additional water and byproducts, which leave the body as pee. Some pouch-like structure develops on the surface of the kidney when the surface layer of this organ of the human body weakens. These pouches are filled with some sort of fluid or liquid materials. These pouches are known as cysts. In short, when the tube of a nephron expands and is filled with fluid, it is the result of the occurrence of a cyst.

Different types of cysts grow on the surface of the kidneys what are they ?


One of the most common types is simple kidney cysts. What are these? Come; let us have a look at them closely.

Simple kidney cysts are small sac-like structures that are filled with some kind of fluid. They are mostly round in shape. Most researchers are behind the actual cause of this type of cysts in the kidneys but no exact answer has been delivered yet.

People might not know that they have cysts in their kidneys even if they have. But it gives the hint when these cysts start to burst and bleed. Kidney cysts are to be treated and not left without any treatment because your single act of ignorance might make you fall prey to certain health complications. After all, it is always better to stay away from possible and harmful entities to sustain right?

Simple kidney cysts develop in people who begin to age. Most people get cysts in either of the kidneys but the risks for the development of cysts in the other part increase when they start to age and grow old. Simple kidney cysts are also referred to as non-cancerous cysts and they really give birth to any complications in the human body.

Most people confuse simple kidney cysts with polycystic kidney disease. But the difference between them is polycystic kidney disease runs in families which indicate it is hereditary. But, simple kidney cysts are not. Polycystic kidney disease is also called PKD short and it damages your kidneys by leading to large kidney cysts.

Some believe that simple kidney cysts in the kidneys are the result of the injury or some kind of tiny blockage in the tubules.

Common Body Issues.

Usually, it is deciphered that when several common bodily issues pop up, they are detected with certain symptoms of the respective conditions such as you might feel some sort of heartburn if you are suffering from gastrointestinal issues, or pain in the knee, ankles, arms, etc if you are suffering from arthritis, or so.

But in the case of a simple kidney cyst, the story is different. These cysts remain silent until they are at their apex or when an individual goes through a test. Simple kidney cysts do not create any kind of symptom(s). When these cysts expand and burst (break open) and disturb the normal functions of the other organs of the body by pushing them, a person might feel or witness several symptoms.

You should immediately seek some help from a kidney specialist doctor if you observe the below-quoted symptoms.

Some of the symptoms of simple kidney cysts are discussed below-

  • When the cyst gets larger and starts expanding, it starts to push the other organs nearby and create great problem for the normal operations of the body. This might create pain in your side. You might feel pain in the side, back, or upper abdomen.
  • And you might feel feverish or actually suffer from fever and chills all over the body.
  • Might catch some kinds of infection as well.
  • You might witness blood in your urine. This can indicate a serious disorder in your body. Blood in the urine on the other hand also gives you a hint that there is an underlying condition in the body that needs to be treated or requires medical help. When such symptoms are ignored, they usually turn into something fatal as it progresses.
  • Blocked or low urine flow: Sometimes, you might discover that you are not peeing the normal amount of urine that you should be passing out of your body. One of the symptoms is also put forward that when attacked by a simple kidney cyst, you might develop an urge to use the washroom frequently.
  • Impaired kidney function: Impaired kidney function is the condition where your kidneys stop working. Kidneys are responsible to remove wastes, toxins, etc in the form of urine from your body. When impaired kidney function is ignored and not provided with any medical aid, this might slowly advance and result in kidney failure.

We now know that simple kidney cysts do not come with symptoms and they are detected often when a person goes to seek the help of a doctor for another underlying cause or issue. Now we will learn about certain tests that might bring information about the presence or existence of simple kidney cysts in your kidneys.

Some of them are as mentioned below-

  • Ultrasound test
  • Computed Tomography (CT) test
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

In most cases, these cysts do not need any treatment. But, if they are in a ruptured form and creating difficulty by pushing the organs, then there is an immediate need for this condition to be treated. A kidney specialist doctor treats these cysts by-

  • Sclerotherapy: It is a medical procedure where an elongated needle is injected under the skin to fuse the cysts and drain the fluid. To make these sac-like structures containing fluids shrink, a strong solution is injected into them.
  • Surgery: Sometimes, surgery might be the immediate option. Here, the fluid of the pouches is drained first and after that, the whole of the sac is removed by a surgeon from the body.

Also Read :Obstetric Ultrasound

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