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Reading News about Cyber Security Laws and Threats” – How It Provides Law Essay Help for Students?

As a student in university, there are many interesting topics to read about. And it is a good idea to read them too. Why? Well, if there is one thing a law student requires for better assignments and a career, it is learning a lot about the laws and trending legal news of cyber security. Keep in mind your formal education isn’t the only important factor here. Understanding the real world is just as vital. Moreover, reading is a great skill with many benefits for writers and students. But before we go over the topic, here’s why reading is good for law students.

Reading – Free Law Essay Help for Students

The importance of glancing at various legal topics within the global or national space is vital for law students. Whether you read journals, magazines, newspapers, or court judgements, the benefits to students are invaluable. Not only does it improve the basic skills lawyers require, such as comprehension and research skills, it also gives you a greater perspective when tackling a legal case. Thus, if you’re seeking law essay help, we have a topic worth checking out:

Cyberspace, legislation and the risks

In 2022, with the world moving towards digital trends and technological advancements like Neural links, the question stands out: “Are we safe online?” Not only has this been a puzzling doubt governments across the globe have been dealing with, but it’s also been a hot point of debate for the better half of the last two decades. The internet is a tool both dangerous and important for everyone, and as a result, nothing is more interesting for law students than cyber security news and the legislative actions of government.

From the simple Googling of keywords like “buy law essay”  to the complex online banking transactions, every aspect of the internet runs the risk of being under threat from malicious entities. Therefore, the UK legislative bodies taking charge are a good way to provide legal protections for everyone involved in the system. Why? With the internet being more and more integral to infrastructure and markets across the globe, the legal protection of users within the system only becomes increasingly important. Therefore, let’s dive into what’s happening in cyber security:

Threats | Understanding the Problem

So, the world is crazy enough without needing to worry about cyber attacks, but in 2021 alone, we understood the impact of these risks. With various targets like oil pipelines, hospitals, schools, businesses, and even journalists and politicians, we seem to face quite a large threat. Here are some of the basic focal points of cyber security:

Common Cyber Threats

  1. Back doors
  2. Formjacking
  3. Cryptojacking
  4. DDoS attacks
  5. DNS poisoning attacks
  6. Malware

Common Cyber Attack

  • Botnets
  • Drive-by downloads
  • Exploits and exploit kits
  • MITM attacks
  • Phishing attacks
  • Social engineering

The above includes some of the methods cybercriminals use. However, as a student seeking law essay help, you’re wondering where the laws and legislative actions come in, so let’s find out.

The Legislation in Place and the Aims of the UK government

When combating the ever-increasing attacks, we can turn to several laws implementing various protections over prior decades. However, students should note that the UK does not have a comprehensive cyber security law despite these laws in place. Some of these laws have been listed below and are a good read for students interested in law essay help:

  • The Data Protection Act 2018
  • The Communications Act 2003
  • The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003
  • The Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018
  • The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
  • The IPA 2016
  • The Computer Misuse Act 1990
  • Official Secrets Act 1989
  • Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
  • The Malicious Communications Act 1988

Nevertheless, the UK does have its respective plan for 2022 when considering cybersecurity. With 2022 starting, the risks are now greater than ever. Thus, to ensure the security of the nation, the strategy aims to:

  • Improve the security and resilience of the nation
  • Become a science and tech superpower
  • Develop a thriving digital economy
  • Strive to be a valuable influence on  the global stage

This strategic effort consists of five core pillars focused on strengthening existing laws and cracking down on crimes or cyber threats to the government and the citizens alike. The ultimate vision is to continue this direction as we progress to and beyond 2030. Hopefully, this means the UK will minimize the problem within the next decade.

The Final Word

Remember, when struggling to write, we can often find help by Googling keywords like “Buy law essay” and coming across law essay help. However, keep in mind being a lawyer is more than just knowing how to write an essay. Try reading more and learning about new and exciting information.

Good luck!

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