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Temples closed, churches open

He knows the conflict between the Italian Episcopal Conference and the government of G. Conte for the opening of the temples, finally resolved. He knows about the open track, in this regard, by the German and intuits that it is the one that seems to have inspired the Spanish. He follows with interest the debate provoked in the French by the (excessive) delay in reopening for liturgical celebrations. His guts churn when I talk to him about the way American or Brazilian evangelical fundamentalism is coping with the pandemic. He is outraged by the silence about what is happening in Africa and elsewhere. He is bothered by the informative

Churches which are best

treatment that the Church receives in certain media, either to give Francisco cane or to charge against the stale soul that also survives in it. “I know, he comments, that among more than 1,300 million Catholics there is everything; as in pharmacy. And I know that many times there is no choice but to report histrionic behavior and statements or the stupid things that some say about the current Pope. It’s what he sells. But one and the other, involved in these wars, seem to ignore what is common in the vast majority of our churches.The one who expresses himself in this way is the priest of the town where I live. I have known him for many years. He is closer to sixty than fifty and, in response to his complaint, I ask him what he is doing in these times of closed temples.

formed by people of flesh and blood”. Okay, I tell him, but there are people within the churches in ventura ca  who are very upset by his silence. “It is not a time, he answers me, to go as an “influencer” through life, but to be close to those who really need it. We have come across a situation that is being very hard for many people, and not only because of the enormous number of deceased.

In God we Believe

It is also being for families (not many, but there are, there are) with problems to be able to eat every day. We are helping some of them in cash; to others, with food. We have a volunteer group that has had to reorganize, scrupulously respecting hygienic conditions, and that has taken on providing this service, which is not easy in these times. I suppose, he points out, that as we come out of confinement, this situation will get worse. They paint coarse And of the very fat; above all, for

On the occasions in which we… Best Technologies  have spoken, I tell him, I have seen you and other members of the parish, more concerned about the helpless of the town than about the impossibility of celebrating mass. It seemed to me that you were interested, in particular, in the elderly. They tell me that you have helped fill out applications for those who have enormous difficulties with telematic access. I have heard of your interest in the families of the deceased, accompanying them in their last goodbye, when they have requested it.

There are many people who appreciate the chat created with the people most linked to the church, some of whom you have also helped in their “online baptism” to hold video-conferences… “There are, he tells me, many people who have felt thrown away. And that it still is. More than meets the eye.

Churches are best

It hurts me not to have been quick enough to start the meeting by video-conference with the group of anonymous alcoholics

who had been meeting in the premises.  The virus is also feeding on these people.”

Leave. I don’t want to burden you with… Machine Gun Kelly  my questions and comments. He is not interested in knowing why Msgr. Munilla has been fined. He leaves him cold that there are priests blessing the town

from their rooftops and copes with the mess that has arisen with the first (and “last”, he adds sarcastically) communions; postponed to September and he is bothered by the complaints of some for not having the temple open. “We should be much more concerned about the church of flesh than the building,”

I hear him repeat before we say goodbye. He is in a hurry because he is going to visit a person.

who lives alone in a shack on the outskirts of town and he doesn’t want to hear from anyone. He’s one of the few he doesn’t ship out with bad boxes. I guess because he doesn’t feel judged, besides knowing he’s accompanied for a while.

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