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What is Rate My Professors?

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Rate My Professors is a website that allows students to rate and comment on their college lecturers. The professors are then given an average rating based on the reviews. With positive and negative feedback displayed for all to have a look on ratings and reviews..

Students from colleges and universities in the United States. Students from Canada, and the United Kingdom can also rate teachers and campuses on the site. It was first introduced in 2001 by teacherratings.com, which was then known as RateMyProfessors.


Since its beginning in 1999, Rate My Professor has proven to be an invaluable resource for first-year college students. Many a freshie has combed the site to see. If their Philosophy 102 professor will be a buzz-cut stickler who will make their lives a living misery, or a hippie who doesn’t care about attendance and just lets you watch Lord of the Rings all day. Professors, on the other hand, are less enthusiastic about the site.

The site has had a fair amount of traffic since its start more than 20 years ago. With 1.7 million professors from all across the country and the world earning over 19 million reviews from students.

How to Review on Rate My Professors Site?

Students can easily rate their professors using Rate My Professors. You have to go to the website, then input a school name or a professor’s name, and leave a comment for both. However, students can then rate and review both the lecturer and the school of their choosing.

Also, students can write reviews and ratings without having to make an account on the site. All reviews are 100% anonymous. Creating an account does, of course, give you a little more credibility, but it’s not required. Students are required to identify their grade in that particular class, as well as other details such as the year and semester in which they had that particular professor, before submitting a review of that professor.

Each student can choose three tags to describe themselves to the lecturer. Adjectives like “respected,” “stickler for rules,” “tough grader,” and “motivational” are examples of these tags. After that, students can write a more personal and detailed review. While loathing a professor for adoring the Twilight sequels (which, presumably, happens more often than we think) will not be erased.It will be a reflection of one student’s experience, which the site cherishes.

The Rate My Professor website has strict posting restrictions, and administrators. Administrators will not hesitate to remove messages that contain insults, slanderous statements, and, of course, swearing. Professors can also flag reviews for evaluation if they believe they are unfair or false.

Students can use up to three “tags” to define their professor when ranking them, such as “tough grader,” “respected,” “test-heavy,” “inspirational,” and more. Optionally, you can include a more descriptive, personal note. Finally, before leaving a review, individuals are required to reveal their grade in the class.

Is Rate My Professor a Reliable Source of Information?

It depends on who you ask: Rate My Professor has been welcomed by many students around the country as a democratising tool that allows students to submit more accurate criticism about instructors. Proponents of the site believe that the reviews, whether positive or negative, are an accurate depiction of how academics are because the site is carefully vetted and regulated by an apparently unbiased personnel.

Meanwhile, critics claim that Rate My Professors is more of a popularity contest than a true assessment of their teaching abilities; in June 2018, the website was forced to delete the “hotness” score because many professors perceived it as a sexist. And many of them objectifying criterion for ratings. We’ve seen professors get low grades based on seemingly ridiculous reviews like “doesn’t have a triangle tattoo” or “picks his teeth during tests” in our own review of the site. While these are realistic depictions of a student’s personal experience, they are not necessarily representative of a teacher’s talents.

Both sides appear to have a solid case: on the one hand. If you’re a student, you want to discover more about the teacher. You’ll have in college and whether or not you think you’ll learn anything from them. As an educator, on the other hand, it can be aggravating when pupils rate you based on your personality and popularity. Rather than your teaching abilities.

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