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What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening with a Crown

Teeth whitening with crowns is an effective way to improve the appearance of your smile. When you have visible structural problems with your teeth, such as discoloration, chips, or gaps, it can be difficult to find the confidence you desire when speaking to others or posing for photos. Many people shy away from smiling broadly in public because they are self-conscious about their discolored teeth.

Others find that potential partners react negatively when they first see them because of yellowed or stained teeth. Knowing what options are available for making your smile more attractive can put you on the road to a better-looking smile. One way to achieve a whiter smile is by using bleach on your natural teeth or by getting a crown that is made from the same material as bleaching trays. Read on for more information about both of these ways of whitening your teeth with a crown.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a custom-made cover that is placed on a tooth to protect it from breaking, shifting out of place, or being removed because of decay. Teeth whitening with crowns can be made from a number of materials, including gold, porcelain, or resin. The material used for a dental crown is usually determined by what is needed to protect the tooth and the aesthetic appearance of the crown. A gold crown is typically used for front incisor teeth because it matches the color of these teeth.

Teeth whitening with crowns is necessary when a tooth is badly damaged, such as when it has been broken or when it has decayed to the point of requiring removal. A crown can also be used when you want to replace a missing tooth with a tooth that looks better than a dental implant. A crown can be used in combination with the root of an adjacent tooth to create a fixed bridge. It can also be used to repair a broken tooth, such as following a fracture that has been treated with a root canal.

Teeth Whitening with a Dental Crown

Teeth whitening with crowns with a dental crown is a way to get a noticeably whiter smile in as little as one visit. With this method, your dentist will fit you with a crown that is specially designed to be bleached. The material of the crown is selected to withstand the high temperatures of the bleaching process. During the teeth whitening procedure, your dentist will place a specially designed rubber band around your tooth to protect your gums while the bleaching takes place.

The band will also enable your dentist to monitor the temperature of the bleach so that it does not damage your teeth. Because of the way in which this method of whitening works, it can be more efficient than whitening with a tray, as the whitening agent is delivered more directly to the teeth. The crown is typically made from either porcelain or ceramic and will be bleached to match the colour of your teeth.

How Does Teeth Whitening with a Crown Work?

Teeth whitening with crowns with a crown is similar to teeth whitening with a tray in that both involve applying bleach to the surface of the teeth. The key difference is that teeth whitening with a crown involves a direct contact between the bleach and the teeth. After coating your teeth with the whitening solution, your dentist will place the bleached crown directly on your teeth. With a tray, the solution is applied to the gums as well, but with a crown, the bleach is in direct contact with the teeth, so it will whiten them more efficiently. The high temperature of the bleach that has been applied to your crown will have a direct impact on the enamel of your teeth. This will cause the enamel to expand and create holes in the surface of your teeth where the bleach can penetrate and lift stains.

The Disadvantages of Teeth Whitening with a Crown

As teeth whitening with a crown involves bleaching the crown as well as the teeth, it is not suitable for people who have crowns made from non-metallic materials, such as porcelain or resin. This is because these materials are not suitable for direct contact with bleach. If your crown has been placed recently and it is not yet fully integrated with your tooth, it may lift or separate from the tooth following teeth whitening with a crown. If this happens, you will need to have your dentist repair your crown so that it is once again securely attached to your tooth.

Teeth Whitening With Bleach and a Crown

Some people who want their teeth to be noticeably whiter choose to use a dental crown that has been specially designed for teeth whitening. This type of crown is designed to protect the teeth and gums from the potentially damaging effects of the bleach. Teeth whitening with a crown that has been designed for this purpose is a very effective way to whiten your teeth, and it can be completed in one visit. Because of the way in which this method of whitening works, it can be more efficient than whitening with a tray, as the whitening agent is delivered more directly to the teeth. The crown is typically made from either porcelain or ceramic, and it will be bleached to match the colour of your teeth.


When you have a tooth that needs to be replaced, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to restore the tooth. Teeth whitening with a crown is a way to get a noticeably whiter smile in as little as one visit. With this method, your dentist will fit you with a crown that is specially designed to be bleached. The high temperature of the bleach that has been applied to your crown will have a direct impact on the enamel of your teeth. This will cause the enamel to expand and create holes in the surface of your teeth where the bleach can penetrate and lift stains. Teeth whitening with a crown that has been designed for this purpose is a very effective way to whiten your teeth, and it can be completed in one visit.

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