
The Top 10 Android App Development Frameworks of 2022

Android App Development Frameworks come in all shapes and sizes, each with its benefits and drawbacks.

It can be tricky to decide which one you should choose, but some common choices have proven themselves as the best Android App Development Frameworks available today.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 Android App Development Frameworks in 2022 and how they’re being used today.

Here we go!

1) React Native

React Native is used by top companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb. The best part about React Native is that it runs natively on both iOS and Android with less code than you’d have to write for regular Java or Objective-C applications.

This framework uses JavaScript ES6+, Redux State Persistence, React’s learn once, write anywhere paradigm (with add-ons to support both iOS and Android), among other things.

It also has a huge community of developers who constantly contribute new features and fixes. In fact, Google announced in 2017 that it would be using React Native as its primary development platform for building mobile apps.

2) Flutter

Following Google’s I/O conference in May 2018, Flutter has been climbing quickly on developer popularity charts and is expected to take off in a big way over the next few years.

The key advantage to Flutter is that it makes it possible for developers to create apps for both iOS and Android at once, cutting down on time and costs—and more than anything else, time is money.

With its beautiful user interface (UI) design tools, Flutter can help developers craft beautiful cross-platform applications with very little effort.

With such an intuitive toolset and a growing community of supporters behind it, expect to see many companies hire dedicated android app developers in India to help them get started with their first Flutter project in no time.

3) Xamarin

Microsoft acquired Xamarin in 2016, so we expect Xamarin to play a prominent role in Android app development frameworks in the coming years.

Over 1 million developers use Xamarin’s tools and services to speed up app development and deployment.

At its core, Xamarin is an open-source platform that enables developers to build mobile apps using C# and Visual Studio. Because it is open-source, companies can customize it as needed—and have even built their versions.

4) Cordova

While not specifically an app development framework, Cordova is certainly worth mentioning. Cordova is a Web-based framework that lets developers code once and then deploy to multiple platforms using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Built on top of Apache’s older tech known as PhoneGap (and so-known as PhoneGap), Cordova provides access to native device APIs without writing any platform-specific code.

In other words, you can build your mobile apps in pure JavaScript or TypeScript and run them on iOS, Android, or Windows devices.

The best part? You don’t need to install anything else; just use your favorite text editor and web browser! If you have experience with one of these three tools—or even if you don’t—you should consider learning more about Cordova.

5) Ionic

Over 3.2 million apps have been created with Ionic to date, and it has established itself as one of the most-used frameworks for creating cross-platform mobile applications.

The framework uses AngularJS to allow developers to build advanced single-page applications that can be used on multiple devices without worrying about software updates or device support issues.

In addition, Ionic offers a wide range of built-in components that help make development more accessible by providing access to features like gestures and animations.

It also includes many other features that allow you to create an app’s design from scratch or modify existing themes.

If you’re looking for a framework with plenty of documentation, solid community support, and a good track record for creating quality apps in a short amount of time, then Ionic is worth considering.

6) Chameleon Framework

This development platform is gaining popularity because it supports Java and many other coding languages. If you’re a business that has an existing app in one language, Chameleon can be used to make you a new app in another.

Additionally, Chameleon already has libraries and base features; all developers have to do is add their functions.

The best part? You don’t need to hire a developer who knows how to code in multiple languages—you need someone who knows how to use Chameleon. So when you hire the best android application development company in India for your next project, be sure to ask about Chameleon.

7) Capacitor

Capacitor (formerly Cocoa Lumberjack) is a lightweight logging framework for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

It features a built-in events model that makes it easy to record and replay user sessions in your apps. Capacitor also supports well-known third-party loggers like Bunyan, Winston, NSLogger, or your custom logger.

If you want to add other libraries to your project as dependencies, Swift Package Manager (SPM) versions are available for some popular packages such as Alamofire and SwiftyJSON.

This makes adding additional dependencies easier than ever before! And if you’re already using Cocoapods, don’t worry: The team has worked hard to make sure everything works with Cocoapods.

8) Realm Mobile Platform

Realm Mobile Platform is an Enterprise NoSQL database that stores data in native C++ objects, making them work fast even with a huge volume of data.

Its API is very easy to learn and use, so if you’re into front-end development and have used popular SQL databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, working with Realm Mobile Platform should be a breeze.

It also comes with a client SDK for Android, making it easier for developers to build high-performance apps.

The best part? You can try it out for free!

9) Unity

Unity is one of the most powerful frameworks on mobile, but it’s also one of the most popular. With robust community support and a thriving ecosystem, Unity has many tools for developers to take advantage of and learn from.

However, despite its immense popularity, you’ll still have to contend with some steep learning curves if you want to use Unity for your app development. The framework can be difficult to master, especially when starting out.

And even though there are plenty of online tutorials, not all of them are equal—some will be more helpful than others.

If you’re serious about using Unity for your app development needs, it might be worth investing in professional training or hiring an experienced developer who knows how to use it effectively.

10) NativeScript

NativeScript might be a relatively new framework for building cross-platform native mobile apps, but it’s quickly gaining popularity.

According to Stack Overflow Trends, interest in NativeScript has grown from the 8th most popular framework in March 2016 to the 5th most popular framework by August 2017.

It’s also one of only two frameworks on our list that are open source (the other being React Native). In fact, many people see it as an alternative to React Native due to its similarities and support for AngularJS and TypeScript.

You can read more about why you should consider using NativeScript if you want to build your next app with JavaScript instead of Swift or Objective-C.

Read Also: 10 Top Web Design Trends to Watch Out For in 2022


This list is not a ranking per se, but rather a curated collection of awesome Android app development frameworks for mobile developers.

It includes both popular and less well-known solutions covering all aspects of app development, such as usability, performance, design, and more.

And it’s by no means complete – we’re likely to miss something here. If you know about an amazing framework we should have included, please let us know in the comments below.

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